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FS Academy


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Instrument flight training missions return, better than ever, with FS Academy - IFR. After restarting, find the missions under Activities - CUSTOM CONTENT. Download the ground school manual from

IFR is an all-new, study-level package to take your skills to the next level.

Produced by a real airline captain, IFR gives you the knowledge and skills to fly like the professionals to get you home on those dark and rainy nights.

Mirroring a real Instrument Rating course, IFR is an authentic training experience, covering both analog 'steam' gauges and modern glass cockpits. Beginning in the conventionally equipped Cessna 152 before moving forwards to the glass cockpit Cessna 172 and multi-engine Diamond DA62.

Use real techniques and Jeppesen charts to fly complex true to life procedures with your instructor guiding you every step of the way through a series of 12 authentic missions covering all you need to know, culminating in taking your virtual Instrument Rating Checkride with your examiner.

The skills you will learn are transferable to practically any aircraft, from a Cessna 152 to a 747 and everything in between.

Accompanied by a comprehensive ground school manual, begin with the basics of IFR flight before moving through the course and taking your virtual Instrument Rating checkride.

IFR 01 - BASIC IFR Practice your basic handling skills and perfect straight and level flight under IFR before progressing to more complex procedures.

IFR 02 - PARTIAL PANEL Know what to do when things go wrong. With a vacuum failure you lose your primary Heading and Attitude instruments. Learn how to perform compass turns and work around your problem so that you're ready for anything.

IFR 03 - VOR/NDB TRACKING - ANALOG Get to grips with the fundamentals of IFR flight by discovering how to operate and understand the ADF, OBS, VORs and NDBs with a conventional set of instruments.

IFR 04 - VOR/NDB TRACKING - GLASS COCKPIT See how Glass Cockpit technology has brought great advances to IFR flight, even in light aircraft. Learn the differences to become prepared for modern avionics.

IFR 05 - HOLDING PATTERNS Learn and demonstrate the 3 types of Hold Entry and how to account for wind drift once in the holding pattern.

IFR 06 - VOR APPROACH Learn how to perform a manually flown VOR approach by referring to your approach chart and be guided by the instruments alone.

IFR 07 - NDB APPROACH Advance from VOR approaches to the less precise NDB approach, where you must come in to land as the daylight returns with only basic ADF equipment and your approach chart.

IFR 08 - ILS APPROACH Most IFR flights terminate with an ILS approach. Learn how to perform this crucial procedure.

IFR 09 - DEPARTURES Now you know how to arrive on instruments, it's time to learn how to depart by following a Standard Instrument Departure (SID.)

IFR 10 - ENROUTE NAVIGATION IFR flight is all about getting you where you want to go. Step up to the twin engine DA62 and perform a multi-leg enroute navigation exercise.

IFR 11 - CIRCLING Learn how to perform a Circling Approach to a runway not served by an IFR arrival.

IFR 12 - IR CHECKRIDE Once you are confident with your skills, take your IR Checkride and fly a full flight profile with your examiner.

A crucial skill for any professional pilot, it's time to up your game with FS Academy - IFR.