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FS ACADEMY - NAVIGATOR is an all-new tutorial pack designed to add a new dimension to your flying, enabling you to navigate cross-country using real techniques to find your way.

Download the accompanying ground school manual from Find the missions in the Activities - CUSTOM CONTENT menu. English language only.

Escape the shackles of the airfield circuit and spread your wings by learning step by step the skills and techniques required to go and explore. Starting off with the basic principles of waypoint selection we will build you up gradually to incorporate timings, wind drift and varied landscapes to complete your skillset and prepare you for embarking upon your own adventures. 11 tutorial missions will introduce you to the crucial skills needed for visual navigation before setting off on a multi-leg bush trip across Scotland to put what you have learned into practice. Navigation logs and VFR route maps are included, so you have everything you need to tour the landscape. Created by a real airline captain, FS ACADEMY - NAVIGATOR is designed to mirror a real life navigation course, taking you step by step across a wide range of conditions and locations, using the real techniques for maximum authenticity. Whether touring the Las Vegas skyline after dark or traversing snow-swept Sweden, NAVIGATOR has you covered Each mission has accompanying theory, found in the complete ground school manual. Learn the theory before you take to the skies with the help of your onboard instructor, fully narrated and complete with custom ATC.

NAVIGATOR 01. THE VIEW FROM ABOVE Commence your exploration into the world of VFR navigation by getting to grips with the range of ground features available to you for route planning. See the pros and cons of line, point and area features.

NAVIGATOR 02. STEPPING STONES Linking a series of ground features together forms a basic route across the San Francisco Bay area.

NAVIGATOR 03. WATCHING THE CLOCK We will now add the element of time to enable more flexible planning options which are unrestrained by line of sight.

NAVIGATOR 04. BLOWN AWAY Famous for its strong winds, Fuerteventura is the ideal place to demonstrate how the effect of wind plays its part.

NAVIGATOR 05. STRETCHING YOUR LEGS More direct routes are possible when you know how to tackle longer legs, which is the subject of this flight across New Zealand's North Island.

NAVIGATOR 06. RADAR CONTACT Venture into controlled airspace for the first time whilst learning how to operate the radios and contact Air Traffic Control.

NAVIGATOR 07. FROSTBITE Keep the show on the road after temperatures plummet and the snow moves in. Take to the skies above southern Sweden to learn how to adapt.

NAVIGATOR 08. NIGHT SHIFT Don't let darkness scupper your plans by gaining an understanding of the limitations and adaptations of night flight.

NAVIGATOR 09. MOUNTAINEER Forced down to lower levels by deteriorated weather, take the twists and turns of mountain navigation in your stride.

NAVIGATOR 10. SKYLINE What better place is there to take in the NYC skyline than from your airborne vantage point above the Hudson.

NAVIGATOR 11. ISLANDER Traverse the stunning landscape surrounding the Isle of Arran, Scotland. Then head eastbound to perform the VFR entry procedure.

NAVIGATOR 12. HIGHLANDER Put your new skills to practice and complete your Navigator experience by going solo and taking to the skies above the Scottish Highlands in this authentic multi-leg Bush Trip.

FS ACADEMY - NAVIGATOR is accompanied by a complete 70+ page ground school manual, covering a host of topics to boost your background knowledge before you take to the skies. Spread your wings and venture out over the countryside, finding your way by map and compass, gaining the skills you will carry with you for years to come with FS ACADEMY - NAVIGATOR.