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Perfect Flight


2.7/5 (43)

NORTH AMERICA IFR is a mission pack that allows you to experience IFR flights over the US skies. Fly for hours classic routes in a realistic aeronautical environment in an new-brand Airbus A320neo painted in American Airlines colors.

The interiors of the aircraft has also been customized to offer you the maximum realism and to make you step into the role of a real American Airlines Captain!

Missions are available into the ACTIVITIES/CUSTOM CONTENT menu but unlike traditional bush trips structure, they work in conjunction with the ATC engine. So you can interact with the Air Traffic Control to simulate real life flight operations.

You start each mission with the plane parked at the gate, cold & dark, so you have the complete control and responsibility of any aspect of the planned route.

Test your knowledge and skills in this particular aspect of the instrument flight!

Product Features:

  • Fleet: New livery for the default Airbus A320neo in American Airlines colors with exterior and interior textures in ultra high 8k resolution. Texture are fully compatible with Asobo A320 and with A32NX FlyByWire Simulation addon. You can use the provided plane or any already in your fleet, as well.

  • Missions Pack: 10 IFR flights completely integrated with the ATC system, with Taxi checklist and announcement, Speed calls, Stall and Overspeed monitoring and warnings, Gear, Flaps and Altitude check, Approach Briefing, Landing checklist and more. Fly for hours in a large range of scenarios and enjoy a most realistic flight experience in a real aeronautical world ambience.

  • Custom Settings: You can fly the missions with preset settings or change weather, season, date and time. You have full access to Checklists and Assistance Options.