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F-51D Goldfinger



2.9/5 (125)

“Goldfinger,” race number 2, has a stunning look and has been refined for racing. The airframe was originally built in 1944 by North American Aviation in Inglewood, California for the U.S. Army Air Forces, and changed hands a number of times since. Its clipped wings and other modifications give this beauty the capability to really perform around the pylons. In 2018 Goldfinger, which has a distinctive look of polished aluminum and gold, clocked a speed of 356.131 miles per hour at Reno, and can fly even faster, up to 400 mph on an all-out straight-and-level run. In 2021, Goldfinger finished 4th in the Unlimited Gold race, with an average speed of 345.446 miles per hour.