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Pitts S-1S Miss Dianne



4/5 (36)

A modern racing legend forged at the pylons of the Reno Air Races over decades, “Miss Dianne,” race number 6, proves time and time again to be a stellar force in the world of high-speed biplanes. Painted a vibrant color scheme consisting primarily of blue and yellow, this Pitts Special S-1S was originally certified airworthy on August 11, 1988. Racing under a different name at the time, the airframe participated in its first Reno Air Races less than a month later, on September 12, 1988, beginning a long run of success around the pylons over the decades. Miss Dianne has racked up an enviable list of achievements at Reno, including first place in the Biplane Silver race in 2016 and in 2017 and regularly clocks average speeds over 180 miles per hour, including a speed of 195.71 mph in 2014.