MSFS 2024 Status:
Investigating Marketplace
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4.6/5 (44)

Introducing BELL 407 US AIR AUXILIARY HANGAR 11 Bell 407 operators located in the United States of America. Categories available in this hangar are 5 medical air ambulances & 6 police air support. Each variant is lightly modified to resemble the real operator. The chopper will be a bit weathered from the pilots view and exterior upclose if you are in the habit for a walkaround. Air ambulances are outfitted with wire strike protectors (WSP), two flight paramedics, and some equipment in the passenger cabin. Police helicopters are equipped with wire strike protectors WSP, and most have a spectrolab search light and a Wescam air surveillance camera.

Spotlight is available. You must turn On the taxi light. For best use of the search-light, 1,000 feet would be the limit before it begings to get dim.

Aerocare N911LL Air Medical N426PH Air Methods N327AM Life Flight Eagle N302LE Survival Flight N390SF Delaware State Police N75SP Los Angeles Police N96335 New York City Police N407NY Palm Beach County N31PB San Diego Police N972PC Virginia Police N911VB

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