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F-14D Super Tomcat

Steve-E & YuRiKAiRi


4/5 (261)

Our F-14D Super Tomcat's aerodynamic characteristic simulation is based on over 250 technical references and documents. The F-14 has unique characteristics, including a variable-sweep wing and effective wing loading giving extra lift generation from the fuselage. The variable-sweep wing is also related with aerodynamic characteristics and weight distribution and center of gravity changes. Many historical flight test reports and Grumman's research papers are well described F-14's unique aerodynamic features. To simulate these unique characteristics and provide best flight experience to the customer, we studied and analyzed over 250 technical references and documents, including above-mentioned reference documents (research papers, flight test reports, NATOPS flight manuals and performance charts). Based on this hard effort, our F-14D flight model also can simulate F-14's unique aerodynamic characteristics and center of gravity change characteristics.

We also designed completely new F110-GE-400 engine simulation model to simulate better thrust and fuel consumption simulation. Based on aerodynamic and engine simulation model, our F-14 flight model can simulate F-14's Mach 2 class supersonic flight characteristics with combat radius, ferry range and service ceiling characteristics. Furthermore, our flight model simulates thrust changes for variable flight condition like airspeed and air density and altitude.

The flight model of our F-14D is completed by Digital Flight Control System (DFCS) including attitude and trim assist system. In late 1990s to early 2000s, DFCS was integrated on F-14D Super Tomcat for better handling and flying qualities. Therefore, we integrated our fully customized DFCS features on our F-14D flight model for better flight characteristic simulation. Based on these efforts, our F-14D flight model can simulate High AOA maneuvering characteristics and instantaneous/sustained turn rate characteristics of F-14.

  • High-fidelity aerodynamic simulation model
  • High AOA maneuvering characteristics simulation
  • Supersonic flight characteristics simulation
  • Weight distribution and fuel weight simulation
  • Center of Gravity characteristics simulation
  • Fuel transfer simulation
  • F110-GE-400 engine performance and fuel consumption simulation
  • Digital Flight Control System simulation
  • Fully customized DFCS logic model
  • Fully customized Autopilot guidance/control logic model

The F-14D Super Tomcat is an American tandem two-seat, supersonic combat jet produced by Grumman Aerospace Corporation that was used by the United States Navy. The multi-role Super Tomcat was the final variant of the iconic F-14 family of aircraft, and is notable for its variable-sweep wing, twin vertical stabilizers, and large size. Carrier-based, but also able to operate from land, the Super Tomcat is able to perform a wide range of missions that includes naval fleet air defense, long-range interdiction, air superiority, aerial reconnaissance, close air support, bombing, and surface attack.

Outfitted for combat, the F-14D features a suite of sensors that allows it to engage targets in the air, on the ground, or on water, in all weather conditions, day or night. A glass cockpit and upgraded digital flight control computers give pilots maximum authority over all systems, and allow a truly invigorating flying experience. Based on aircraft speed, the Super Tomcat automatically adjusts the angle of the renowned swing wing from 20 degrees, giving a span of 64 feet, 1.5 inches, to its fully swept 68 degree, where its delta-like configuration measures 38 feet, 2.5 inches, tip-to-tip. The variable geometry wing grants aviators an incredibly dynamic experience, from slow speed, tight maneuvering, to screaming through the heights at more than twice the speed of sound.

From a pure flying standpoint, what sets the Super Tomcat apart from previous versions, and what really makes it “Super,” is its engines. Powered by two highly efficient General Electric F110-GE-400 afterburning turbofans that each deliver up to 30,200 pounds of thrust, the F-14D has a top speed of 1,544 miles per hour, a range of 1,800 miles, and a service ceiling of 53,000 feet above sea level. The Super Tomcat is truly one of the greats in the world of aviation.


) HUD - Completely Reworked 2) MFD - Completely Reworked and add new pages and features including NAV/AP control page and HSD (It also shows AI and Multiplayer air traffics) 3) Cockpit Gauges - Almost Reworked, some other still investigate about issue 4) Cockpit Switches - Most switch reworked but not completely finished 5) Model Behavior - Implement, fix and rework many things. For example like Aux. Flap, speedbrake, inlet ramp and wing sweep behaviors and others 6) Sound Package - Engine sound is completely Reworked, and other moving part is also reworked, and keep working on sound mixing for further updates 7) Flight Model and Engine data model - Revised 8) Internal System Mechanism - Revised a) fuel transfer and balancing is already implemented, but I newly implement afterburner related boost pump and fuel transfer system b) Electrical System Mechanism is revised and improved, but maybe can't feels big different c) COM/NAV system completely reworked and now working properly d) FLCS and AP control model (mathmatical model) revised for better stability and control