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AV8B Harrier II

DC Designs


4.4/5 (506)

The AV8B Harrier II family is the latest version of the world famous British Hawker Harrier, one of the few vertical take off capable fighter aircraft in the world. Powered by the legendary "Pegasus" engine, the Harrier remains at the forefront of combat operations around the world with its unique ability to operate from short fields, ships, and even temporary landing sites in the wilderness.

This fully native MSFS aircraft features all three modern Harrier variants - AV-8B, AV-8B Plus and GR9.

The Harrier has been coded with Microsoft Flight Simulator native 'Model Behaviors' animations and built to MSFS SDK specifications to minimise issues.

The DC Designs Harrier includes a brand-new, custom-coded vertical take-off and landing system built specifically for MSFS without the need for WASM gauges. VTOL in the Harrier respects both realistic aircraft aerodynamics and enviromental factors such as ambient wind, requiring good stick and throttle skills to control.

Other features include authentic night lighting which includes user-operated 'slime lights' for combat operations and custom-coded animations, stores selection page and up-to-date special effects. The Harrier is also fully compliant with Virtual Reality headsets.


Truly 3D virtual cockpit featuring accurately modelled ejection seat, controls and detailed texturing Instruments constructed in 3D with smooth animations Custom-coded MFD screens and Head-Up Display to match the real Harrier's displays Scratched canopy' glass effects, reflective glass Crew figure in the virtual cockpit is coded to disappear when you occupy their seat Full Interactive Checklist to ensure smooth operation of the aircraft


Royal Air Force GR9

1 Squadron 3 Squadron 4 Squadron 800 Squadron Fleet Air Arm


VMA-211 VMA-214

AV-8B Plus

VMA-231 (CAG) VMA-231 (Line) VMA-513 VMA-542 Spanish Armada (Navy) Italian Air Force


A full operations manual is included

The AV-8B Harrier II is a single-seat, single-engine, subsonic vertical and/or short take-off and landing (V/STOL) multi-role military jet aircraft produced by McDonnell Douglas of the United States. The Harrier II is an advanced iteration of the British Hawker Siddeley AV-8A Harrier “Jump Jet,” which first flew in December of 1967.

The AV-8B Harrier II made its maiden flight on November 5, 1981 and was introduced in January of 1985. It is operated primarily by the United States Marine Corps, and also by the Spanish Navy and the Italian Navy. The AV-8B performs the roles of close air support, armed reconnaissance, light bombing, anti-ship, strike coordination, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) gathering. Its ability to take-off and land vertically gives it flexibility beyond other types of fixed-wing aircraft and is a key component to expeditionary warfighting where intact airfields may not be available.

The Harrier II has a swept main with a span of 30 feet, 4 inches, a standard empennage, and a retractable tricycle undercarriage with retractable outrigger landing gear on its wings. It is powered by a Rolls-Royce Pegasus F402-RR-408 turbofan engine that produces up to 23,500 pound of thrust and has a 4-point vectoring system that is augmented by small nozzles for slow-speed and hovering maneuvers. The Harrier II has a range of up to 2,416 miles, climbs at 14,700 feet per minute, has a service ceiling of 38,000 feet above sea level, and can cruise at just under 650 miles per hour.

A famed aerial attack craft, the AV-8B Harrier II is in a class all its own. While the thrust vectoring allows the jet to take-off and land just about anywhere, runway or not, the unique propulsion system allows pilots to perform aerial maneuvers impossible in other aircraft.