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Jabiru J160/J170

IRIS Simulations


3.7/5 (331)

Australia's most popular light sport aircraft!

Exported to countries around the globe, Jabiru aircraft is a tried and tested concept in Australian aviation, being used for recreational flying, flight training, rural property management, commuting, surveillance and surveying. The Jabiru J160/J170 aircraft are powered by a Jabiru 4 cylinder 4 stroke 2200cc air cooled engine and makes the aircraft a joy to fly, with a 100 knot cruise speed and a very economical engine, it is a popular training aircraft for Australia's Recreational Aviation certification.


  • Two airframes for the price of one! The Jabiru J160 & J170!
  • Four custom instrument panels over a variety of aircraft layouts.
  • A superb soundset recorded directly from the Jabiru J2200 engine.
  • Brand new Custom EFIS.
  • An interactive digital kneepad allows you to configure the aircraft to your liking.
  • Custom interactive checklists to aid in your aircraft management.
  • A superb flight model for the light handling and excellent characteristics of the Jabiru J160/J170 aircraft tested and flown by Jabiru pilots.
  • A total of twenty high resolution paint schemes over two aircraft.
  • TWO BONUS Bush Trips! Explore the Gippsland Lakes area of Eastern Victoria and visit locations close to the heart of the IRIS Simulations team and explore tropical Queensland from the coast to the Outback, home of Jabiru Aircraft!
  • High resolution paintkit available separately (see documentation for details).

Developed by Australia’s Jabiru Aircraft, the J160/J170 is a twin-seat, single-engine light sport craft made available as a kit or ready-to-fly.

Engineered with flight schools in mind, the J160/J170 features an enclosed cockpit with side-by-side seating, a high wing with winglets on the J170, and tricycle landing gear. The small aircraft has a wingspan of 31.7 feet and an empty weight of just over 700 pounds. The all-composite airplane is powered by Jabiru’s 2200 engine that delivers 85 horsepower to a fixed-pitch, two-blade propeller -- a combination that gives the J160/J170 a cruising speed of 115 miles per hour and a climb rate of 700 feet per minute.

With the handsome J160/J170, designers at Jabiru created a perfect balance of flight forgivingness and performance, an aircraft that's both easy to fly and a lot of fun. The J160/J170 can takeoff in less than 500 feet, has a respectable stall speed of 44 miles per hour, and can stay aloft for up to ten hours at a time. Pilots can enjoy a straight-and-level leisurely cruise in the J160/J170, and then test their skills with wing overs and tight turns. Not just an ideal trainer for those new to flight, the Jabiru J160/J170 proves a joy to even the most seasoned of aviators.