- USD 111.99
- View more offers at FS Addon Compare
- Added: November 14, 2024
- Updated: February 7, 2025
A highly detailed simulation of the 146 and RJ regional airliners, developed by Just Flight's in-house development team after hands-on research with real-life aircraft. British, four engine regional airliners, they have an iconic high T-tail, short undercarriage and distinctive airbrake, with the nickname 'Jumbolino' due to their 747 Jumbojet like characteristics. First flown in 1981, the 146 has been used for passenger and cargo services, even flying the British Royal Family and Government, thanks to its short-field performance and quiet operation. The RJ followed in 1992, with a glass cockpit equipped with an EFIS (Electronic Flight Instrument System), PED (Primary Engine Display), FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) and FMS (Flight Management System). A generational leap in capability from the 146 it succeeded. Both were success stories of British commercial aviation but also the last.
- Accurately modelled 146-100, 200, 300 passenger, QC/QT cargo and RAF variants, and RJ70, RJ85 and RJ100 variants, built using extensive research with real aircraft
- Hundreds of external animations including all doors, airstairs, iconic airbrake and landing gear
- Highly detailed and fully interactable passenger cabins featuring controllable lighting, fully simulated music player, and even a functional coffee maker!
- 4K and 8K textures are used to produce stunning texture clarity, with over 70 liveries and 11 different variants
- Highly immersive interior and exterior lighting, including dimmable and moveable cockpit lights
- A truly 3D cockpit environment - every instrument is constructed fully in 3D with smooth animations
- Cockpit textures feature wear based on photos taken in the real aircraft to produce an authentic environment
- Both pilot positions are modelled with hundreds of functional switches, knobs and controls. Even the observer seat, cup holders and sun visors are functional!
- Tablet EFB for controlling aircraft options and payloads, boarding simulation, failures, pushback controls, and SimBrief OFP and Navigraph charts support
- Automatic aircraft configuration options to get you airborne in seconds, plus state saving
- Developed using latest MSFS standards, including intuitive and easy-to-use controls for rotary knobs, multi-position switches and levers, and VR support
Custom-coded aircraft systems
- Electrical system with generators, busbars, inverters and AC/DC power supplies
- Hydraulic systems, including independent Yellow and Green systems, accumulators and PTU
- Flight control system with servo-tab simulation, tail-mounted airbrakes, stall and stick shaker warnings
- Auto-flight system with multiple pitch and roll modes, including LNAV, and CAT 3 autoland and autothrottle capability on the RJ
- Extensive navigation options including HSIs, RMIs, TCAS, GPWS and VOR/DME capabilities
- Custom Universal UNS-1 FMS, and Working Title FMS in the 146, custom GNLU-910A FMS in the RJ, both with SID/STARs, holding patterns, and much more
- Fuel system with realistic fuel load and burn based on real-world data, fuel transfer, pumps and optional auxiliary tanks
- Engine systems with realistic engine starting procedures, and accurately simulated Thrust Modulation System (TMS) on the 146 and Thrust Rating Panel (TRP) on the RJ
- Realistic flight dynamics based on real world data and input from 146 and RJ pilots
- And much more, including air-con and pressurisation, pneumatic and ice systems
- Native (Wwise) sound package taking full advantage of the new MSFS capabilities
- Studio quality Lycoming ALF-502 and Honeycomb LF-507 engine sounds recorded from the real aircraft
- Over 450 flight deck sound effects recorded from the real aircraft
- Pilot and cabin announcements, including co-pilot callouts
- Detailed equipment audio such as the APU, brake fans, electrical circuits, hydraulic equipment, flap howl and many more