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RJ Professional

Just Flight


4.6/5 (37)

Following on from their hugely popular 146 Professional for MSFS, the Just Flight in-house development team have created a high fidelity simulation of Britian’s last airliner, the RJ Professional. Just Flight are excited to bring you all three variants of the RJ family: the RJ70, RJ85 and RJ100. Each variant is fully custom coded and created using comprehensive, hands-on research with a real world aircraft, RJ-100 SE-RJI. First taking to the air in 1992, the RJ is a glass cockpit airliner equipped with an EFIS (Electronic Flight Instrument System), PED (Primary Engine Display), FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) and FMS (Flight Management System). A generational leap in capability from the 146 it succeeded.


  • Accurately modelled RJ70, RJ85 and RJ100 variants, built using extensive research material and hands-on experience with the real aircraft
  • Numerous animations, including flaps, lift spoilers and airbrakes, all cockpit, passenger, service and cargo doors, integral airstairs, windscreen wipers
  • Custom modelled ground equipment
  • Highly detailed and fully simulated passenger cabin and galleys customised for each RJ variant
  • 4K and 8K PBR textures are used to produce the highest possible texture clarity
  • Highly immersive interior and exterior lighting, including dimmable and moveable cockpit lights
  • Over 30 liveries included


  • Captain and First Officer positions are modelled with hundreds of functional switches, knobs and controls
  • A truly 3D cockpit environment right down to accurately modelled seat belts and screw heads, and CRT display curves
  • Cockpit textures feature wear and tear based on reference photos taken in the real aircraft to produce an authentic environment
  • Tablet EFB for controlling aircraft options and payloads, and flight planning and monitoring, with SimBrief OFP and Navigraph Charts support
  • Aircraft configuration system with options to choose between “Cold & Dark”, “Turnaround”, or “Ready for Take-off” states
  • Developed using the latest MSFS standards, including intuitive and easy-to-use controls for rotary knobs, multi-position switches and levers, and VR support
  • A variety of showcase camera presets, including wing views

Custom-coded aircraft systems

  • Electrical system with generators, busbars, inverters and AC/DC power supplies
  • Hydraulic systems, including independent Yellow and Green systems
  • Flight control system with servo-tab simulation, iconic tail-mounted airbrakes, stick shaker warnings
  • Auto-flight system with various pitch and roll modes, including CAT 3 autoland capability
  • Power plant systems with realistic engine starting procedures
  • Thrust Rating Panel (TRP) with Takeoff (MAX or REDU), Maximum Continuous Thrust (MCT), and CLIMB MAX or CLIMB NORM modes
  • FADEC with autothrottle and TRP integration
  • GNLU-910A FMS with manual flight plan entry, company route integration, SID/STARs, holding patterns, and much more
  • EFIS PFD and ND display integration with all other systems
  • Dual IRS with realistic alignment times that vary depending on the aircraft’s latitude
  • Fuel system with realistic fuel load and burn based on real-world data, fuel transfer, pumps and optional auxiliary tanks
  • Communication system with dual VHF COMM, NAV and ADF radios, with 8.33kHz spacing support, and transponder with TCAS
  • Realistic flight dynamics based on real world data and input from RJ pilots
  • And many more, including air-con and pressurisation, pneumatic and ice systems


  • Native (Wwise) sound package taking full advantage of the new MSFS capabilities
  • Studio quality Honeycomb LF-507 engine noise recorded from the real aircraft
  • Over 450 flight deck sound effects recorded from the real aircraft
  • Pilot and cabin announcements, including co-pilot callouts
  • Detailed equipment audio such as the APU, brake fans, electrical circuits, hydraulic equipment, flap howl and many more

The RJ100 is a four-engine, high-wing regional airliner / multi-use aircraft manufactured by British aviation firm Avro International Aerospace, a division of British Aerospace. The aircraft is a member of the Avro RJ / British Aerospace (BAe) 146 family of quadjets that has proven to be one of the most successful in the history of British commercial aviation. The development of this line of aircraft, built in three basic fuselage sizes, dates to the early 1970s. The first BAe 146 airframes were delivered in 1983, and the fist Avro RJ variants, which comprise improved digital controls and other features, came on line in the early 1990s.

The RJ / 146 family quickly earned a reputation as exceptionally versatile and reliable. Their general design, which incorporates a high wing, a T-tail empennage, and four geared turbofan engines, makes these airframes great performers in high density altitude situations and at short field facilities and unimproved airstrips. They are also relatively quiet due to the subsonic turbine tip speeds of the thrust fans of their engines. They have been used as passenger jets, cargo haulers, air tankers for firefighting, business jets, and also have seen some military use.

The RJ100 is the second Avro RJ iteration of the BAe 146 lineage, and it is based on the BAe 146-300 airframe. The RJ100 took its maiden flight on May 13, 1992 and deliveries began in 1993. The quadjet is crewed by two and can accommodate from 97 to 112 passengers, depending on configuration. It measures 102 feet in length, stands 28 feet, 2 inches tall, and has a wingspan of 86 feet, 5 inches. It is powered by four Honeywell LF 507-1F high-bypass geared turbofan engines that each produce up to 6,990 pounds of thrust. It has a range of 2,071 miles and a service ceiling of 35,000 feet above sea level. The RJ100 needs 5,036 feet of runway for take-off and 4,170 feet to land. It cruises at 465 miles per hour and has a top speed of 490 mph.

The RJ70 is a four-engine, high-wing regional airliner / multi-use aircraft manufactured by British aviation firm Avro International Aerospace, a division of British Aerospace. The aircraft is a member of the Avro RJ / British Aerospace (BAe) 146 family of quadjets that has proven to be one of the most successful in the history of British commercial aviation. The development of this line of aircraft, built in three basic fuselage sizes, dates to the early 1970s. The first BAe 146 airframes were delivered in 1983, and the fist Avro RJ variants, which comprise improved digital controls and other features, came on line in the early 1990s.

The RJ / 146 family quickly earned a reputation as exceptionally versatile and reliable. Their general design, which incorporates a high wing, a T-tail empennage, and four geared turbofan engines, makes these airframes great performers in high density altitude situations and at short field facilities and unimproved airstrips. They are also relatively quiet due to the subsonic turbine tip speeds of the thrust fans of their engines. They have been used as passenger jets, cargo haulers, air tankers for firefighting, business jets, and also have seen some military use.

The RJ70 is the third Avro RJ iteration of the BAe 146 lineage, and it is based on the BAe 146-100 airframe. Deliveries began in November of 1993. The quadjet is crewed by two and can accommodate from 70 to 82 passengers, depending on configuration. It measures 85 feet, 11 inches in length, stands 28 feet, 2 inches tall, and has a wingspan of 86 feet, 5 inches. It is powered by four Honeywell LF 507-1F high-bypass geared turbofan engines that each produce up to 6,990 pounds of thrust. It has a range of 2,405 miles and a service ceiling of 35,000 feet above sea level. The RJ70 needs 3,921 feet of runway for take-off and 3,870 feet to land. It cruises at 465 miles per hour and has a top speed of 490 mph.

The RJ85 is a four-engine, high-wing regional airliner / multi-use aircraft manufactured by British aviation firm Avro International Aerospace, a division of British Aerospace. The aircraft is a member of the Avro RJ / British Aerospace (BAe) 146 family of quadjets that has proven to be one of the most successful in the history of British commercial aviation. The development of this line of aircraft, built in three basic fuselage sizes, dates to the early 1970s. The first BAe 146 airframes were delivered in 1983, and the fist Avro RJ variants, which comprise improved digital controls and other features, came on line in the early 1990s.

The RJ / 146 family quickly earned a reputation as exceptionally versatile and reliable. Their general design, which incorporates a high wing, a T-tail empennage, and four geared turbofan engines, makes these airframes great performers in high density altitude situations and at short field facilities and unimproved airstrips. They are also relatively quiet due to the subsonic turbine tip speeds of the thrust fans of their engines. They have been used as passenger jets, cargo haulers, air tankers for firefighting, business jets, and also have seen some military use.

The RJ85 is the first Avro RJ iteration of the BAe 146 lineage, and it is based on the BAe 146-200 airframe. The RJ85 took its maiden flight on March 23, 1992 and deliveries began in April of 1993. The quadjet is crewed by two and can accommodate from 85 to 100 passengers, depending on configuration. It measures 93 feet, 8 inches in length, stands 28 feet, 2 inches tall, and has a wingspan of 86 feet, 5 inches. It is powered by four Honeywell LF 507-1F high-bypass geared turbofan engines that each produce up to 6,990 pounds of thrust. It has a range of 2,267 miles and a service ceiling of 35,000 feet above sea level. The RJ85 needs 4,560 feet of runway for take-off and 3,900 feet to land. It cruises at 465 miles per hour and has a top speed of 490 mph.


SPEEDCruise: 405 knots / Mach 0.7
CEILING35,000 ft
LENGTH28.6 m (93 ft 10 in)
WINGSPAN26.34 m (86 ft 5 in)
HEIGHT8.61 m (28 ft 3 in)
FUEL CAPACITY11,728 l (3,096 Gallons)
ENGINEHoneywell LF 507-1F


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