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1.9/5 (20)

Highly detailed model, fully animated 3D cockpit animated 90% (all gauges animated) Frame rate friendly in single and multiplayer Highly detailed Textures, 4k-8k, high definition, PBR

The SU-27SM is a Soviet and Russian all-weather supersonic heavy fighter of the fourth generation designed to gain air superiority. The aircraft is also used for missile and bomb attacks on ground targets. SU-27SM is a carrier of tactical nuclear weapons


Microsoft Flight Simulator

Video Memory: 16 GB Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 1070 or AMD Radeon RX 590 Memory: 16 GB Disc space: 1 GB

The Su-27 is a twin-engine, single-seat, supersonic multi-role military aircraft by Sukhoi of Russia, formerly of the Soviet Union. The fourth-generation aircraft was conceived in the 1970s as a counter to emerging capabilities of American aircraft that included the F-15, the F-16, and the F-14. Designers outlined that the platform needed to be highly maneuverable, have long range capability, be able to fly at speeds greater than Mach 2.0, and be able to carry large amounts of a variety of weapons. It furthermore needed to incorporate advanced systems including flight controls, radar and targeting systems, avionics, and countermeasures. Sukhoi succeeded in creating a jet that met all requirements.

The Su-27 took its first flight on May 20, 1977 and entered service on June 22, 1985. It was initially postured as a long-range interceptor against potential inbound American bombers and naval threats. It has since proven highly capable in a number of mission types, including air superiority, strike, interdiction, armed reconnaissance, close air support, light bombing, and surface attack. The design has proven to be highly adaptable, and a variety of iterations have been created over the years, including two-place and naval versions. Its NATO reporting name is “Flanker.”

The Su-27SM is an upgrade of the original variants of the Su-27 line (SM stands for Serial Modernization). The upgrades include an improved cockpit with multifunction displays. It also includes enhanced targeting and weapons capabilities.

The Su-27SM measures 71 feet, 10 inches in length, stands 19 feet, 5 inches in height, and features a swept cropped delta wing with a span of 48 feet, 3 inches. Its empennage consists of all-moving horizontal tailplanes and twin vertical stabilizers with rudders.

The jet is powered by two afterburning turbofan engines that each produce up to 17,000 pounds of thrust in military power and up to 27,600 pounds when augmented by afterburner. The Su-27SM has a range of 2,200 miles, a service ceiling of 62,000 feet above sea level, and it climbs at 59,000 feet per minute. It has a top speed of 1,600 miles per hour, or Mach 2.35.

The Su-27SM is one of the most agile aircraft in the world. It can handle maneuvers up to 9gs, and its advanced flight control system allows aviators to perform a variety of maneuvers, including the renowned “Cobra.”