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Harvard's Over The Commonwealth Part 1



5/5 (1)

The T-6 Texan (Harvard in Commonwealth service) in many ways epitomizes pilot training throughout the Second World War and beyond.

This pack includes 5 examples of the Harvard in Commonwealth Service.

  • Harvard Mk IIA / EX490 - No 20 Service Flying Training School SRAF, Cranborne, Southern Rhodesia, 1940

  • Harvard Mk IIB / FE479 - No 1 Service Flying Training School RIAF, Ambala AB, India, 1944

  • Harvard Mk IIB / FT392 - 1340 Flight RAF, Kenya, 1953

  • Harvard Mk IIB / FX389 - No 16 (Polish) Service Flying Training School RAF, Newton, England, 1943

  • Harvard Mk IIA / AJ845 - 239 Wing Desert Air Force, RAF Gambut, Libya, 1942

This addon uses the Reno Air Races Base T-6. It requires either the Reno air Races: Expansion Pack or the Reno Air Races: Full Collection to be owned and installed to purchase.

All liveries can be accessed via selecting the North American Aviation T-6 Texan aircraft in your Hangar.