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Morane D-3801 (EKW)



3.5/5 (17)

The Morane D-3801 originates from a program of the French Air Force in 1934, eager to modernize its equipment in single-seater fighter. The chosen type was named MS 406, and more than 1'000 of them were produced. It is equipped with a 760 hp engine.

Switzerland negotiates a construction agreement under license of a model that differs from the French model by the adoption of a Hypano-Suiza engine of 1'020 hp, and many improvements; it will be known as Morane D-3801, built by the company Dolfus in Altenrhein. A total of 82 aircraft were built in Switzerland.

First used as a fighter, then as a ground attack aircraft, it was in service as a training aircraft until 1959. A renovated example still flies in Switzerland.

A compressor allowed good performance up to an altitude of 5'000 m/M. Very maneuverable, it ensured a complete 360° turn in 18 seconds, a maximum speed in horizontal flight at full power of 530 km/H, and a maximum speed in dive of 600 km/h

The D-3801 is a Swiss-built single-seat, single-engine fighter aircraft of the 1940s. It is a variant of the M.S.406 by French aircraft company Morane-Saulnier. 207 were built and delivered to the Swiss Air Force between 1941 and 1945.

The D-3801 measures 26 feet, 10 inches, has a wingspan of 34 feet, 10 inches, and uses a conventional undercarriage with retractable main landing gear. It is powered by a Hispano-Suiza 12Y51 inline piston engine that produces up to 1,050 horsepower and drives a three-blade propeller. The aircraft has a range of 746 miles, a top speed of 332 miles per hour, and can climb at 3,300 feet per minute up to a maximum altitude of 31,000 feet above sea level.

One of the Second World War’s lesser-known fighters, the D-3801 is beautiful in form and a thunderous performer. Whether recreating low-level attack runs, or soaring through the tops of high clouds, this classic machine will keep pilots of all skill levels coming back for more cockpit time.


Ailerons animation correction Add 3D cockpit elements 3D cockpit parachute and harness added Various minor improvements Improved flight model for higher approaches