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B-2 Spirit

Top Mach Studios


4.3/5 (138)

The B-2 Spirit is a stealthy, long-range strategic bomber manufactured by Northrop Grumman. The “flying wing” airframe is crewed by two and can carry conventional or nuclear arms in its internal bays. Combining low observability (stealth), endurance, and large ordnance capacity, the B-2 is one of the most advanced aircraft ever made, and the most expensive in history. First flight was on July 17, 1989. Only 21 of the bombers were built. It was a significant challenge modeling this unique aircraft due to the difficulty in obtaining quality reference material and gaining insight into flying characteristics and procedures. More people have flown to space than have flown the B-2! The Top Mach Studios team has dedicated over a year and a half of R&D to bringing this model to MSFS.


Fully Compatible with MSFS 2024

This model is entirely custom-developed, with input from real world B-2 maintainers and pilots within the limits of operational security. Much about the B-2 is still classified. We’ve done our best, utilizing publicly available images, videos, graphics, data, statements by the USAF, pilots and engineers, to replicate the B-2 as accurately as we can. This is likely the most accurate and detailed simulation of a B-2 ever made available to the public. Despite restricted information about the real-world aircraft, we've rendered a highly capable, immersive, and entertaining model that we’re confident you’ll enjoy flying.


  • Realistic control response and “feel” throughout the flight envelope
  • Auto-trim / pitch control
  • G-Limiter
  • Roll rate limiter
  • Bank Limiter
  • Pitch Angle Limiter
  • Yaw limiter and Yaw Damping
  • Highly resistant to departures
  • Precise, stable flight control to 50,000 feet and above
  • “Poor man’s” automated terrain following system
  • Differential Thrust Control


  • Expertly detailed flight deck, ejection seats, rear cabin, and crew entry areas, utilizing many real world aircraft references
  • Detailed, animated pilot models with configurable poses.
  • Detailed instrumentation suite, including robust aircraft flight data, systems status pages, and more
  • Interactive crew alerting system providing caution and warning messages and aural alerts
  • FLIR display for night and low visibility flying
  • Full featured Flight Mgmt Computer
  • Moving map display
  • Built-in interactive checklists system
  • Fully animated cockpit; many control items functional
  • Many essential autopilot and navigation controls
  • G5000 interface for robust flight planning
  • Complete cockpit lighting system
  • Aerial refueling capability
  • “Electronic Flight Bag” tablet interface
  • VR Headset compatible
  • Unique “Easter Eggs” to explore.


  • Detailed liveries representing all 21 B-2s built
  • Expert modeling and texturing of all surfaces, ordnance bays, and landing gear
  • Complete flight control animations
  • Detailed animations of landing gear, ordnance bays, boarding area, and more
  • Custom VFX: Wing vapes, APU effects, engine heat & smoke plumes, and more
  • Optionally displayed ground equipment, vehicles, RBF items, and more.
  • Complete, accurate exterior lighting system
  • Multiple custom cameras for cockpit and exterior


  • Sound suite modeled from the real-world B-2 exterior sound-scape
  • 3D Fly-By sound experience for truly intense fly-bys
  • Highly immersive interior sounds for key systems and cockpit interfaces
  • Detailed wind and drag sound effects


  • Accurate weight and fuel quantities
  • Advanced fuel system modeling
  • Engine model tuned to real-world specifications
  • Custom engine model developed for the B-2
  • Drag and lift model tuned to stated and estimated specifications for the B-2
  • Mach 0.96+ maximum speed at altitude
  • Service ceiling 50,000+ feet
  • 6000NM range

This product is not endorsed by the Northrop Grumman Corporation

The B-2 Spirit is a low-observable, long-range strategic bomber manufactured by American aerospace company Northrop Grumman. The subsonic, tailless “flying wing” airframe is crewed by two and can carry conventional or nuclear weapons within its internal bays. Due to its design that met the goals of low radar cross section, low thermal signature, high endurance, and large ordnance capacity, the B-2 is one of the most advanced aircraft ever produced, and the most expensive in history. It took its maiden flight on July 17, 1989 and was formally introduced into service with the United States Air Force, its exclusive operator, on January 1, 1997. Northrop Grumman manufactured a total of 21 of the bombers during a production run that lasted from 1987 to 2000.

The B-2 Spirit traces its direct lineage to the Advanced Technology Bomber, or ATB, program of the 1970s. The foundation of the initiative was the American military’s identification of the need for a long-range strategic nuclear bomber that could operate unobserved by radar and thermal detection systems. The Northrop Corporation, founded by Jack Northrop, proffered a notched flying wing design due to the low radar cross section of such an aircraft’s form. It resembled Jack Northrop’s earlier YB-35, a piston-powered flying wing prototype bomber that first flew in 1946, and its successor, the jet-powered YB-49. Neither the YB-35 nor the YB-49 progressed beyond the experimental stages, however.

The Northrop design for the ATB won the proposal process in 1981, and development then began (in great secrecy). Creating the aircraft, which boasts a range of 6,900 miles and a payload of up to an estimated 50,000 pounds, proved to be one of the most difficult feats in aerospace history. Engineers pioneered new processes, techniques, and materials to reduce radar cross section and thermal signature and to maximize range and payload. One of the greatest hurdles was the development of the aircraft’s fly-by-wire flight controls. This computer-controlled system takes pilot inputs and appropriately varies and coordinates thrust of individual engines and deflection of the aircraft’s split drag rudders and elevons to attain consistently smooth flight.

Northrop-Grumman delivered the first operational B-2 to the Air Force, the Spirit of Missouri, on December 17, 1993. The airframe entered service just over three years later, and it first saw combat in 1999 during the Kosovo War.

The B-2 Spirit measures 69 feet from nose to rearmost aspect of its wing, it stands 17 feet tall, and it has a wingspan of 172 feet. It is powered by four General Electric F118-GE-100 turbofan engines that each generate up to 17,300 pounds of thrust. The non-afterburning engines are positioned deep within the upper portion of the body of the aircraft and cool air is mixed with exhaust flow to optimize the bomber’s thermal signature. The B-2 Spirit has a service ceiling of 50,000 feet, it cruises at 560 miles per hour, and it has a maximum speed of 630 mph.


SPEEDCruise: Mach 0.85+, Max.: Mach 0.96+
CEILING50000 ft
TAKEOFF8,500 ft
MAX WEIGHT376,000 lbs
ENGINE4 x GE F118 turbofans, 19,000 lbs thrust ea.