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LFHU L'Alpe D'Huez Airport

Bank Angle Studio


4.6/5 (35)

ALTIPORT INFOS: The Alpe d'Huez altiport (Altiport Henri Giraud (LFHU) is an approved altiport for restricted use, located 1.9 km east-northeast of Huez in Isère (Rhône-Alpes region, France) It is used for mountain rescue and medical transport and for leisure and tourism activities (light aviation).

The scene was modeled in respect of the real configuration of the altiport and its environment. The ground texture has been custom made and the slope of the runway is in accordance with reality (15.5%). This Altiport contains animations and conditions such as chairlifts or parasols to make it more alive. We have spent a lot of time on this Altiport which has a special history and we are sure you will like it.

ANIMATIONS For a detailed realistic experience, we added some animated chairlift and some cool functionalities (hint: check the main restaurant when it is raining and not)

TEXTURES For this altiport, the Bank Angle team called on professional photographers from Huez and modeled and textured over 30 buildings and hangars based on real photos. Regarding the textures, they are mostly very high resolution (2k, 4k, PBR), especially for the main buildings. The ground textures were also realized in order to make them conform to reality.

PARKINGS 2 Aircraft parkings, 2 Helipads. As real as it gets :)

FEEDBACK SUPPORT ETC We will continue to update this product so don't hesitate to send us your feedback :) You can check our Discord as well as our website to be sure to not miss any (cool) news"