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LSGC Les Eplatures Airport

FlyLogic Software


4.4/5 (9)

Les Éplatures airport (ICAO code LSGC) is one of the seven regional airports without scheduled services in Switzerland. It is located in the Les Éplatures district of La Chaux-de-Fonds. A first flight meeting on the meadow in Les Éplatures took place in 1912, followed by a larger event in 1916 with the participation of the army. The first airport building went into operation in July 1927, and the first hard runway with a length of 740 m followed in 1956 (extended to 845 m in 1972). In 1986 the tower was built, the runway completely renewed and equipped with a lighting system. The instrument landing system went into operation four years later. In 1998 taxiways were built and the runway was extended to 1,100 m, and in 2002 a further expansion to 1,165 m. The new terminal was completed in 2021, so the older one was demolished and replaced.


  • Newly created scenery
  • Realistic and detailed representation of all buildings in the airport high-resolution photo-real textures
  • PBR material with ambient occlusion (baked textures)
  • All markings on the taxiways, parking positions and the runway
  • Original longitudinal profile of the runway according to AD-INFO (Sloped Runway)
  • Lifelike lighting effects and approach lights
  • PAPIs and ILS for VFR and IFR approach
  • Animated people and windsock
  • Striking chapel near the airport
  • Static planes and vehicles
  • Deutsches Handbuch - Manuel en français - English manual (Download)