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Paris VFR Airports

France VFR


4.6/5 (57)

Paris VFR Airports MSFS is a pack containing 23 detailed airports and airfields all over the Paris Ile-de-France region.

Each platform has been modelized as close as possible to reality including photo-realistic buildings, extremely detailed textures and ground markings, entire fleets of static flying club airplanes as well as reworked vegetation placed with the greatest precision.

Our goal for our airports product ranges is above all to offer mixed IFR/VFR platforms offering the best possible compromise between homogeneity, visual rendering and search for realism while offering very attractive prices through "bundles" grouping several airports in one package.

List of Paris VFR Airports:

LFPF: Beynes Thiverval LFPY: Bretigny sur Orge (closed) LFFB: Buno Bonnevaux LFPX: Chavenay Villepreux LFPH: Chelles Le Pin LFPK: Coulomiers Voisins LFFE: Enghien Moisselles LFOX: Etampes Mondésir LFPQ: Fontenay Trésigny LFPP: Le PlessisBelleville LFPL: Lognes LFPE: Meaux Esbly LFPM: Melun Villaroche LFPU: Moret Episy LFAI: Nangis Les Loges LFFQ: La Ferté Alais LFXU: Les Mureaux LFFC: Mantes Chérence LFPA: Persan Beaumont LFPT: Pontoise Cormeilles en Vexin LFPZ: Saint-cyr LFPN: Toussus-le-Noble LFPV: Velizy Villacoublay


The following specifications concern all of the platforms in the pack with the exception of Bretigny airport which remains closed and for which only the ground textures were modeled as well as almost all of the buildings existing on the date of creation of this add-on.

  • 23 detailed airports and airfields all over the Paris Ile-de-France region.
  • Specific photo-realistic 3D buildings.
  • Detailed ground markings.
  • Realistic static flying club airplanes on all the platforms.
  • Numerous animations and details.
  • Vegetation reworked on the platform and its surroundings.
  • Realistic night lighting.
  • Photo-realistic areas reworked for 6 platforms (LFPN, LFPL, LFPZ, LFPK, LFPV, LFPY).
  • Compatible with our VFR FRANCE product range.
  • Geo-referenced data for maximum compatibility with future add-ons installed on the same area.
  • Development process 100% SDK (System Developement Kit) specifications compliant, ensuring maximum compatibility with new releases.
  • SIA – VAC – IAC – APT – ARRDEP charts provided.