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EDAQ Halle-Oppin Airport



4.2/5 (9)

The Halle-Oppin airfield ( ICAO code : EDAQ ) is located in Germany, north of the city of Halle, in Saalkreis, near Leipzig

The airfield has a main asphalt runway of 1120 meter x 30 meters, and a grass runway in the north of the airfield for glider operations.

In addition to various aircraft hangars, the site is also home to two flight schools and various clubs. General Aviation activieties includes discovery flights and balloons flights

A model aircraft club has its own "runway" in the northern part of the site. The FSV-Oppin Aviation Club uses the northern part of the airfield for gliding and motor gliding. In addition, the airfield host several commercial activieties, is home to a branch of Air Lloyd Deutsche Helicopter Flugservice GmbH and Air Lloyd Aerotechnics, as well as a shipyard of ADAC Luftfahrt Technik GmbH, which is responsible for the maintenance of the Saxony-Anhalt police helicopter squadron

The Halle station of the DRF Air Rescue has been located at the airfield since June 18, 1991. The intensive care transport helicopters Christoph Halle ( Airbus Helicopters H135 ) and Christoph Sachsen-Anhalt ( Airbus Helicopters H145 D-3 ) are currently stationed there. More than 2,000 missions are flown from Oppin every year. [3]

The scenery is a faithful reproduction of the whole EDAQ airfield, including the most recent built hangars for the ever growing general aviation community

Featuring Fully custom modeled 3d buildings in the whole area, including the model aircraft club, with vibrant PBR texturing Mission system, more below in DRF area Working Helipad dolly, more below in DRF area Custom ground texture and markings, including runway and taxiways and sloped terrain Custom night lighting Custom animated flags and windsocks Animated Gates reacting to vehicles Animated People characters Sound Effects Parallax effect in selected buildings Modeled tower interior, including working runway direction indicator and functional wind meter Animated Model Airplanes

Special mention for the DRF Luftrettung area open hangar fully modeled with automated door open from 8 am to 18 am, landable platforms outside the hangar working helicopter dolly, tow by custom animated tractor: spawn in the hangar and move dolly/open hangar by toggling Landing Lights switch in Bell and Cabri helicopters, (or Air Conditioning switch in HPG 135/145) for training purposes, working HPAPI light has been installed to practice night/low vision landing Mission System! 12 different Helicopter missions are waiting for you in the DRF Hangar Office: read the story, fly to coordinates, land in designated areas. once landed, search for a sign with the Mamudesign logo, you will obtain coordinates for a bonus secret mission You have 1 hour to complete each task (so each mission can be performed by day or night)

To accomplish missions (of for additional fun) two additional helipad has been provided in Halle Hospistal, ICAO are HSTMM (land helipad) and HBGKL (roof helipad)

Mission objects have been placed in the Saale region, if you don’t like them simply remove the emergency-scenario.bgl file

NOTES: Trademarks and commercial logos have been reproduced under “freedom of panorama”/fair use laws, and will be removed upon request. The 135 helicopter model is from GRIP420, under Creative Commons license, adapted and repainted by the author

KNOWN ISSUE: Living world vehicles may enter the DRF hangar, reloading the flight solves the issue