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FAWN Cape Winelands Airport

NMG Simulations


5/5 (3)

Cape Winelands Airport (formerly Fisantekraal Airport) is an ex-South African Air Force airfield built in 1943 to protect the South African coastline during World War Two. It is located on a 15 ha site and it is approximately 13 kilometres (8.1 mi) northeast of Durbanville. The airport serves as a general flying airfield and is a favourite for flight training in the Cape Town area.

Originally, there were four runways. Only two are still in use: RWY23/05 and RWY14/32. The old taxiways and other runways are no longer used but are still visible from overhead. The airfield was transferred to the local municipality sometime in the 1960s, and it was sold to a private owner in 1993. In 2021, billionaire Rob Hersov announced his intention to buy the airport and make it a secondary hub for Cape Town.