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RORT Tarama Airport

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Tarama Airport This Airport is located on the island of the same name, Miyako District, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. It is also known as the island of goats. The island has several tourist spots attached to the beautiful oriental culture. Many tourists visit this small island to practice diving in its wonderful crystal clear waters accompanied by a beautiful marine flora and fauna of its coral reefs.

History: The construction of Tarama Airport as an emergency airport was funded by USCAR (United States Ryukyu Island Civil Administration) in March 1971. The runway was extended to 800m to comply with aviation law, which became applicable along with Okinawa's reversion to Japan's administration in 1972, and the 19-seat DHC-6 aircraft began operations on Miyako and Ishigaki Islands. However, the airport was unable to meet passenger demand and frequent bad weather caused many flights to be cancelled. This was inconvenient for local residents and hurt local promotion. Residents called for larger planes and an extended runway. In 2001 the aging DHC-6 aircraft were replaced by 9-seat BN-2B aircraft and this resulted in a worse situation due to small size. In order to work towards future transportation expansion with improved flight stability and comfort for larger aircraft, the construction of a new airport with a 1,500m long runway to replace the old 800m airport long began in 1999 and began operating on October 10, 2003. The prefecture operates the airport, which is classified as a third-class airport.