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Investigating Marketplace
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Simple Traffic



2.7/5 (253)

Simple Traffic is an AI Traffic add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator featuring real world airline liveries and offline traffic routes and schedules. In Online AI mode, real world liveries are selected according to the live traffic data feed within the sim. In Offline AI mode, liveries are selected according to the offline traffic routes and schedules included with Simple Traffic. Simple Traffic applies liveries to the native MSFS twin-jet, quad-jet, and regional-jet default AI models, which are optimized to minimize impact on FPS. Simple Traffic is primarily a stand-alone product, but will also work equally well alongside other AI add-ons or megapacks, acting as a generic fallback for the airline livery and model combinations those add-ons do not contain. Simple Traffic includes liveries for 300 real-world airlines, and new airline liveries are being added all the time. Offline AI traffic routes and schedules are derived from over 30 million records of real-world ADS-B flight data enabling pre-Covid airline traffic levels globally within the sim.