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Introducing PICA: WOMEN IN COMMAND A combination of 9 female airline pilots.

Why custom-made avatars? It's for those who would like to make their screenshots and video clips look more realistic. Or, for those who would like to increase immersion a bit more, We at BravoAirspace think these models improve upon the default avatars by giving you a mixture of beautiful female pilots who take control of these aircrafts. These avatars were specifically built for airliners (mainly 3rd party aircrafts including business jets). The following list of aircraft is a guarantee of compatibility.

Please understand that the avatars will not show inside the cockpit on pilot view unless: 1 The developer aircraft has the option to show an avatar. 2 We release modifications for some aircraft on our compatible list. You can only see these avatars on external cameras.

Tested to work on the: 737 PMDG 747 ASOBO 787 any A310 A318/9/20/21/330 LVFR A320 Fenix Simulations ATR 72-4/600 S&H Software BELL 407 ASOBO CESSNA ASOBO COWAN H125 HJET Vision Jet G2

How do I select them? Go to the OPTIONS menu and select GENERAL OPTIONS. Select MISC, then click the PILOT AVATAR and/or CO-PILOT AVATAR. Click the arrows until you find the PICA of your choice.

Also, on this package, we made sure for all the women have female voices.

If you have questions and answers, please reach out to us. We always welcome your thoughts.

Remember that you can't see them next to you unless your selected aircraft gives you this permission. Enjoy.