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Introducing Pilots In Command Avatars for helicopters and military pilots. A combination of seven mature and experienced everyday-looking pilots. 4 different uniforms. 2 choices: headset and helmet.

Please understand that the avatars will not show inside the cockpit on pilot view unless: 1 The developer aircraft has the option to show an avatar. 2 We release modifications for some aircraft on our compatible list. You can only see these avatars on external cameras.

Why custom-made avatars? It's for those who would like to make their screenshots and video clips look more realistic. Or, for those who would like to increase immersion a bit more, We at BravoAirspace think these models improve upon the default avatars by giving you a mixture of the real, everyday men who take control of these aircraft. These avatars were specifically built for helicopters, jetfighters, and some commercial airlines.

The following list of aircraft is a guarantee of compatibility.

Tested to work on the: 737 PMDG 787 any A310 iniBuilds A320 Fenix Simulations Asobo NXCub, no helmet on Asobo Savage Cub ATR 72-4/600 S&H Software Baron G58

Beechcraft King Air 350i Bell 407

Blackbird Simulations DHC-2 Beaver Bonanza G36 Cabi G2 Cessna 152 Cessna CJ4 Citation: Cessna Skyhawk 172Sp Cowan H125 DA40 TDI DA40-NG DA62 DC-3 DR 400 DV20

Experimental MXA Got Friends Extra 330, no helmet on (no helmet) FFX Vision Jet Grand Caravan Hercules H-4 HJET (no helmet) L-39C Albatros Sarance Lake Skipper Got Friends MonsterNX Got Friends Mudry Cap 10 Pilatus PC-6 G950 pipistrel 121SW Pitts, no helmet on Savage Carbon Got Friends Spirit of St. Louis, 1928 SR22 SWS Kodiak 100 SWS Pilatus PC-12 TBM 930 VL3 nXcub

How do I select them? Go to the OPTIONS menu and select GENERAL OPTIONS. Select MISC, then click the PILOT AVATAR and/or CO-PILOT AVATAR. Click the arrows until you find our added pilots.

Christopher Anderson, Erik German, Guy Howes, Jason Peters, Nick Buxton, Richard Thompson, and William Robertson. We are interested in increasing the number of pilots in this package as well as creating other categories. We will rely on the community to decide if they would like to see more options, as it's a simple concept. If you have questions and answers, please reach out to us. We always welcome your thoughts. Keep in mind that you cannot have another avatar package installed at the same time. Also, on this package, we made sure for all the men to have male voices.

Lookout for our airliner men and women PICA's.`
