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United Kingdom VORs

Burning Blue Design


4.9/5 (12)

There are 50 VORs (Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range) ground stations dotted across the British Isles, from Shetland in the North to the Channel Islands in the South, and each one has been faithfully recreated in this package. VORs are strange and unique structures and despite being slowly phased out across the UK, they are a fundamental part of the air navigation system and play a crucial role in determining an aircraft's heading or bearing relative to the VOR station.

As a new pilot setting the aircraft's radio navigation and flying the plane along the VOR's bearing can be initially tricky, but once mastered, the joy of spotting the VOR ground station precisely where the instruments indicate can be a truly satisfying experience, and one we have tried to replicate in this package.

Despite all doing the same job, there are a variety of styles and designs across all the 50 VOR stations, and this package features:

All 50 VORs across the British Isles 8 different VOR lattice types. 5 different VOR building types. Full Physical Based Rendering (PBR) textures throughout. A wide variety of vegetation, walls & fences, and ground clutter. Animated people and static vehicles. Ground merging and terraforming. Merging with existing airports and airfields. Points of Interest for each VOR station have been added.

A full map of the VOR Station locations can be found here: