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Caribbean Pack 3



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After the succes of volume 1 (Aruba to Margarita) and volume 2 (Trinidad to Ste Lucia) Let's fly to the heart of Caribbean : This is Vol.3 : One product for all. From Martinique to Anguilla. Compatible MSFS 2024.

IFR,VFR ? Explore in deep, beautiful landscape This give you Landmarks, enhanced of all airports (17) of the area with 3d custom terminals for each one, removed the vegetation on water shores, add Mangrove in Gaudeloupe and Martinique, more than 8000 boats all over the 400km long area, add all pontoons.

For IFR and liners pilots : 10 international enhanced airports with custom 3D terminals and tower. according last charts for parking and taxy.

For VFR lovers : More than 14 monuments 3D with photo real texture. Hours of VFR flight are waiting for you ! Discover every major Landmarks of the area. Discover each Island with a complete addon all in one.
Boats on every harbour, fuel tank replace the defaults round houses...

Details : For all airports of the area : Enhanced airport. (What is enhanced airport on this scenery ? Customs 3d objects for all terminals and towers, Realistic Ground textures from scratch, lines, markings, taxy names and parkings numbers according to last charts, Hangars more realistic,animated carachters and airports objects...) For all islands of the area : add boats on every ground photo footprint, parasol on beach, removed all vegetation on water shore, skydivers and helicopter...

MARTINIQUE TFFF Aimé Cesaire Le Lamentin Airport Tour lumina in harbour

DOMINIQUE TDCF Canefield Apt TDPD Douglas Charles Melville hall Aprt Red rocks Scotts Head Beach

GUADELOUPE TFFR Le raizet Pole Caraïbe Apt TFFC St François apt TFFB Baillif arpt TFFM Marie Galante Apt TFFA La Désirade apt Memorial ACTe Zevalos Colonial House Pointe du vieux fort Lighthouse Pointe doublé Lighthouse La Désirade Gueule grand gouffre Marie Galante

MONTSERRAT TRPG John A. Osborne Apt Montserrat Volcano observatory Bransby Point Artillery Battery

ANTIGUA TAPA V C Bird Intl apt Multipurpose Cultural Centre Fort James Fort Barrington North Sound International Raceway

BARBUDA TAPB Barbuda International Apt TAPH Codrington Apt

NEVIS TKPN Vance Winkworth Amory Intl Apt St. James Raceway Fort Charles

ST KITS TKPK Robert L Bradshaw The National Museum of St. Kitts St. Kitts Scenic Railway animated Fairview Great House & Botanical Gardens The War Memorial

SINT EUSTATIUS TNCE F D Roosevelt intl Apt For de Windt

ST MARTEEN TFFG Grand Case Apt Philipsburg Courthouse of 1793 Fort Amsterdam

ANGUILLA TQPF Clayton J Lloyd Wallblake Apt wallblake House Scilly Caye Anguilla Arch

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