Château de Chaumont-sur-Loire



5/5 (5)

The Château de Chaumont-sur-Loire is located in Loir-et-Cher, on the banks of the Loire, between Amboise and Blois, in France.

The name Chaumont derives from the French "chauve mont", meaning "bald hill".The first castle on this site, situated between Blois and Amboise, was built by Odo I, Count of Blois, in the 10th century, with the purpose of protecting his lands from attacks by his feudal rival.

Louis XI ordered in 1465 to burn and raze Chaumont to punish Pierre d'Amboise for having revolted against the royal power. Back in favor, the Amboise family was authorized to rebuild the castle. It was his son Charles I of Amboise who undertook it from 1469 to 1481, notably by building the north wing, facing the Loire, which has now disappeared, and the west wing, which still exists. The front door, preceded by a double drawbridge, is enclosed by two large, massive round towers, equipped with battlements and walkways.

The Château de Chaumont is the 4th most frequented Loire château in Loir-et-Cher, behind the Château de Chambord, the Château de Cheverny and the Château de Blois.

Sea planes can land on the Loire river. The inner courtyard can accommodate the helicopters whose VIP customers often fly !

Enjoy flying and landing on this superb castle !