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Real Effects Plus: A310

South Oak Co


5/5 (3)

This package is for the Microsoft A310 and works with most liveries. Please view the user guide at to understand the realistic conditions which cause the effects to display

Introducing "Real Effects Plus" - The ultimate effects package for both inside and outside of the cockpit. Effects that compliment any style of simmer, Real Effects Plus is sure to impress. There are no "On/Off" effects, each effect has been programmed with many different variables that cause a reaction under varying aerodynamic and atmospheric conditions. Created by a real pilot that has over 2,000 hours in multiengine jet aircraft, this add-on draws from real-world aviation experience.

  • Saint Elmo's Fire (Windscreen Static): Replicating the dangers of flying near thunderstorms.

  • Windscreen Bug Splatter: Yes, we did! Why bug splatter? Because bug splatter is a real, and real pilots have to squint through a dirty windscreen every time they fly. Ever tried to see a narrow runway with the setting sun blasting the bug smashed windscreen? Flying insects are most active in warm temperatures around sunset, you'll certainly see more bug splatter on your windscreen then.

  • Engine Intake Vortices: Reactive to engine power, humidity, airspeed, temperature, air density, and surface moisture.

  • Engine Intake Condensation: Reactive to engine power, humidity, airspeed, temperature, air density, and altitude.

  • Jet Blast: Reactive to your engine speed on a wet surface.

  • Reverse Thrust: On a wet or snowy runway, watch as thrust is rapidly switched directions when your engine enters reverse thrust.

  • Engine Fires: Set through your MSFS Aircraft Failure Customization menu. When is the last time you had to land single engine?

  • Contrails: Out with the old, in with the new. Say goodbye to the default contrails. Our contrails depict the rotating wake turbulence behind an aircraft, and they look great.

  • Engine and APU Startup Smoke: Jet engine starts nearly always produce smoke during startup.

  • Engine and APU Cold Starts: When the environment is cold enough, aircraft require cold weather startup procedures to prevent engine damage. Marvel at your engine and APU startup exhaust.

  • Wing Condensation: Reactive to aircraft pitch, humidity, airspeed, temperature, air density, and altitude.

  • Flap Trailing Vortices: Reactive to flap angle, aircraft pitch, humidity, airspeed, temperature, air density, and altitude. No, this is not a fuel leak, it is aerodynamics at work.

  • Brake Smoke: If your brakes are smoking, you've got hot brakes. A heavy aircraft, hard braking, and hot temperatures will cause this.

  • Volumetric Landing Lights: Too dark to see if you're in a cloud while flying? Turn on your landing lights. If you see your light beams illuminating the cloud, you've found your answer. Real pilots do this routinely, especially when concerned about icing. Default MSFS landing lights will not do this, but our effect will.

  • Tail Strike, Wingtip Strike, Engine Nacelle Strike: Gusty crosswinds are a recipe for a wingtip or nacelle strike.

  • Fuel Vent Dripping: Airplane fuel systems all have vents. Warm temperature causes fuel to expand. If your fuel tanks are full and they warm up in the heat, fuel is going overboard. There's plenty of airport ramp stains to prove this. This effect does this, although it does not come with a fuel spill cleanup kit.

*Includes an in-game control panel to enable/disable individual effects